Chatbots Roundup #8 — Bots with good design, great hooks and amazing messaging copy

Another week and you guys have not ceased to amaze us with your bot building skills.
Here is our weekly roundup of bots you should try this week:
Direct link : is a digital marketing company that helps you tell your company’s digital story so that you can get more traffic and higher conversions. Their bot is short, simple and does so much right that we could probably write an essay on just this bot. In the interest of your time and mine though, I will point out a few that I liked best.
First, the Northstories bot uses full use of the TARS design section. The colour of the user’s message bubbles have been changed to match the colour scheme of the webpage, making the bot feel like a real part of the website as opposed to an add-on.
Second, Northstories has a great hook in their bot. As with any piece of written content, you need a good hook to catch the user at the start of your flow if you want them to fill out your bot. Northstories starts off with a simple question that any potential customer could easily answer. This way, the effort that a user has to invest to actually use the bot, is minimal.
Third and finally, the copy of the Northstories bot is phenomenal. It is not too flashy. The tone is casual and approachable and the bot talks directly at the user. The bot captures the human tone well and interacting with it feels quite like interacting with a human.
Bestway Apps
Direct link :
Bestway Apps is a game studio company that produces some awesome mobile games which will definitely get you hooked. Their bot acts as a way for users to give them feedback on their games. What I like in particular about their bot is the way they have structured their flow. After you rate one game, the bot asks whether you want to rate another one. If you say yes, it allows you to rate another game and then asks you again if you want to rate another game. This goes on in perpetuity until the user says they do not want to rate another game. This way, Bestway Apps has created a flow that allows users to submit multiple feedback reports on multiple games without having to refresh the page. Definitely worth taking note of this.
Direct link :
Adiyoga is a company that offers yoga classes to people all over the world. Their bot serves multiple purposes, acting like a schedule, contact form and an introductory bot all in one. We particularly like that they have incorporated a “Just browsing section” in their bot. Bots are still in their nascent stages and new users to your site might click on your bot widget purely out of curiosity. If this is the case, rather than having no option for them to click on, adding a Just Browsing option gives you an effective way to funnel their curiosity to an engaging piece of content on your page (in the case of Adiyoga they push you towards a quiz). Your bot completion rate goes up and you increase your chances of getting a new customer.
More Chatbot Roundups :
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Ish is the co-founder at Tars. His day-to-day activities primarily involve making sure that the Tars tech team doesn’t burn the office to the ground. In the process, Ish has become the world champion at using a fire extinguisher and intends to participate in the World Fire Extinguisher championship next year.
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