Generative AI

Time is money, so we created AI Agents that help founders save both!

Jaya Malhotra
Jaya Malhotra5 minutes read

Our life is mostly a reflection of the frivolous, crucial, or apathetic decisions we make every day. Every decision, small or big, brings forth consequences. Now, building a startup requires thinking through so many decisions that, as a founder, you might want to rip your hair out at some moments. (No pressure)

AI for startups

Have you ever read playbooks detailing the journey of a few successful startups and thought it sounded easy? Most founders have only to realize that maybe the rule doesn’t fit their situation. Instead of preaching we know all, listen to us; we wanted to create solutions that cater to your startup and product and offer you a solution unique to you.

So we created AI Agents for founders that can help them make productive decisions without thinking about them for hours on end. Whether you are a tech founder in SV or a non-tech founder on the journey to create something amazing, you’ll find something that will help you.

No more suspense; here are the Agents we have created!

AI for startups: Leave it all to AI Agents

Product Feature Prioritization AI Agents

As kids, we look at adulthood through rose-tinted glasses. It’s all about freedom and independence; suddenly, overnight, it is about laundry, rent, and taxes. For most founders, building a product is a similar journey. Bringing a brilliant and amazing idea to life and sharing it with the world.

Then customer feedback rolls in with all the practical and boring feature requests that make sense. Then you realize every resource is scarce. How do you prioritize the requests? How do you allocate resources? Not to overwhelm you, but the biggest cause of crashing startups is the lack of PMF. So instead of adding to your problems, we bring you the solution:

Product Roadmap Template Creator: Calculate the impact and effort ratio of every feature request and get a detailed prioritization list in a minute or two.

AI for startups

Product Managing AI Agent: Manage your product one feature at a time. Evaluate the resources required and the impact of every feature request to see if it has a place on your roadmap or not.

AI for startups: Product managing AI

SaaS Developer Hiring AI Agent

Do you know what’s common among startups like Loom, Figma, and Linear? Well, their first hire was a developer. It seems like a no-brainer. There is no selling in SaaS without functioning software. (If you have stumbled at this at a party, just have a shot for every time ‘S’ is used in that sentence.) Especially for founders without tech backgrounds, handling product feature requests can feel like being a deer caught in headlights.

So we created two AI Agents that help you:

Developer Hire Guide: If you are a non-tech founder strolling to understand the specific requirements of hiring developers across specializations, this AI Agent is for you.

AI for startups: SaaS developer hiring AI

Interview Planner for Hiring Developers: As a non-tech founder, judging technical skills in an interview can be a nightmare, so this AI Agent will take care of that for you.

AI for startups

Idea Validator AI Agents

If you missed last week’s blog we created AI Agents that help entrepreneurs like Paul Graham, Kevin O’Leary, and Ashneer Grover and let them validate your idea. So when building these AI Agents we thought who’d be better to validate an idea than folks to founders day in and day out? Here is a glimpse of AI for startups for you:

Paul Graham Startup Idea Validator:

Built for founders who consider Paul Graham’s Essays to be the holy grail of the startup world.

Kevin O’Leary Startup Idea Validator:

Every Shark Tank fan is familiar with the no-BS approach of Kevin O’Leary and sometimes that’s all that is needed. So we trained the AI Agent on his call-the-bluff demeanor.

Ashneer Grover Startup Idea Validator:

In the world of sharks, Ashneer Grover is the great white shark. If you add too many buzzwords to your idea pitch to make it sound enticing, be ready to hear “Yeh sab doglapaan hai.”

AI Idea Validator: StartSmart:

A step-by-step journey to validate your idea and build on the ideas from the journey, pitfalls, and learnings of multiple founders.

As we said, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to AI for startups, so if you want to build your AI Agents just go to, sign up, and go crazy.

To know how to build AI Agents, or even better find easy templates to just replicate, tweak, and create new AI Agents, join our Discord channel.

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Jaya Malhotra
Jaya Malhotra

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