Case Studies

[Case Study] Fixing Feedback : The Bhukkad Story

Ish Jindal
Ish Jindal2 minutes read

Bhukkad is a natural fast food company based out of Bangalore. Their combination of healthy, tasty and quick food paired with their great customer service makes them an obvious choice for the thousands of satisfied customers that have eaten, ordered or had events catered by them. Drop by their location in Koramangala, the heart of India’s startup culture, and you will at all times find a good mix of delivery boys, business executives, and startup founders.

The Challenge

The problem faced by Bhukkad was not a unique one. How does a consumer facing startup collect useful feedback from customers?

The team at Bhukkad ascertained that there were two ways to get user feedback. Either make the process frictionless or offer the user an incentive to go through a slightly more cumbersome process (in other words, bribe them with free food or discounts).

Initially they adopted the latter. Every evening, a Bhukkad employee would manually send out a feedback form to all customers who had completed an online order during the day. While customers did fill out the forms, much of the feedback was qualitatively useless. Customers simply did not want to give feedback past “the food was good.”

Something had to change.

The Solution

This is where TARS came into the picture. We spoke with Aruj (CEO of Bhukkad) to figure out how we could help and came up with a solution for his feedback problem.

Since incentives did not work, we made his feedback process faster.

Today, if you order a meal from Bhukkad online, soon after delivery, you will be sent a TARS link where you can easily send over your feedback through a chat interface. Within 20 seconds users can send over quality feedback that helps Bhukkad serve their customers better.

Aruj Garg, Founder and CEO of Bhukkad

“Our aim is to easily locate order details, contact the customer immediately and solve his concern. In this industry with so many variables there are bound to be mistakes. TARS helps Bhukkad deal with those mistakes in a fast and organised way and helps us provide great customer service to our customers.”

The TARS effect

The effect has been tangible. Bhukkad has seen a marked increase in the quality of feedback and bad reviews which would have otherwise gone up on social media sites (a true horror for an industry dependent on user reviews) now come in through the TARS platform.

As an added benefit, TARS’ automated forms are sent out immediately after an order has been delivered, avoiding unnecessary manual labour and providing consumers with an instant outlet for their feedback.

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Ish Jindal
Ish Jindal

Ish is the co-founder at Tars. His day-to-day activities primarily involve making sure that the Tars tech team doesn’t burn the office to the ground. In the process, Ish has become the world champion at using a fire extinguisher and intends to participate in the World Fire Extinguisher championship next year.


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