Case Studies

[Case Study] No need to download an App. You can “Chat to Book” on MyGlamm

Ish Jindal
Ish Jindal2 minutes read

MyGlamm is an on-demand beauty services company based out of Mumbai.

Through a simple 4 step process you can book professional beauticians who will provide you with salon level beauty services in the comfort of your home. They are the Uber of beauty services.

The Old Model

Before partnering with TARS, MyGlamm had three ways of getting bookings:

  • desktop website
  • mobile app and
  • phone booking

Noticeably missing from this strategy was the mobile web. Their mobile website consisted of static content with links to the App Store and Play store pages of their app.

The team at MyGlamm recognised the need for web-based engagement.

Why mobile-web is important to MyGlamm?

  1. While an app offers a complete experience, users do not want to download a stand alone app for a use case as infrequent as beauty services. After all, you probably won’t get more than one facial or pedicure done in a month.
  2. This issue was compounded by location and user demographic. MyGlamm’s target demographic is mainly on-the-go women whose primary screen is their mobile phone. Add the fact that India is a mobile first market and there was a clear that a lack of mobile web engagement meant that MyGlamm was losing potential customers.

The TARS effect

We worked with the team at MyGlamm to fix this issue. Today, in addition to booking on desktop or through the app, users can “chat to book”. Within a matter of seconds, users can book a service without the need for an app.

Neeraj Sanghani, EVP Products & Strategy, MyGlamm

“Chat interface makes users feel like they are actually making the booking when in fact they are simply generating a lead. Where users view a form as being a tentative indicator of intent, the chat interface makes users think that they are actually speaking to someone to create an actual booking. This means that bookings through chat have a higher propensity to convert into an actual customer.”

The implementation has been so successful that today, 10% of MyGlamm bookings come through the TARS interface.

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Ish Jindal
Ish Jindal

Ish is the co-founder at Tars. His day-to-day activities primarily involve making sure that the Tars tech team doesn’t burn the office to the ground. In the process, Ish has become the world champion at using a fire extinguisher and intends to participate in the World Fire Extinguisher championship next year.


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