
Lead Quality is King: How conversations can make your sales process faster

Arnav Patel
Arnav Patel3 minutes read

When discussing lead generation, it is easy to fixate on conversion rate as the only metric worthy of attention. An equally important, but less popular metric is lead quality.

Even if you somehow manage to wrangle a high conversion rate out of your current lead magnet, poor quality leads will make your business suffer.

Acquiring and nurturing poor quality leads costs time and effort. Yet, these leads are unreliable and often go cold. Using a conversational approach, businesses can effectively qualify leads and reduce the days and hours of emailing it would otherwise cost to convert these leads.

Keri Roberts, Owner of EmotionDanceFit

We spoke to Keri Roberts, a Virginia-based dance studio owner about how she used a chatbot to increase her quality and simplify her sales process.

The Case

Keri’s dance studio EmotionDanceFit offers dance workshops for kids and adults. Her customers are either adults who want to enrol in a workshop themselves or parents of kids who want to enrol their children. The average value of her leads is in the range of $1000.

Problem with existing sales process

Keri was using a simple webpage to generate leads which was good by all traditional measures of quality. The niche nature of her offerings, however, meant that prospective customers frequently needed to get their doubts cleared before they would eventually convert. Even though Keri had plenty of content on her webpage for this purpose, prospects would send her questions by email. This would then set off a time-consuming email back and forth that slowed the lead conversion process to a days long affair. In other words, the quality of her leads was bad.

The Solution

To solve this problem, Keri worked with a digital marketing agency to create a Tars chatbot. Through the bot, prospects could either get more information about the workshops or express interest in joining a workshop. The familiarity of the chat interface meant that users felt a sense of investment in their interaction with Keri. This, in turn, increased the likelihood that they would stay on Keri’s site till their doubts were cleared. With these doubts effectively cleared, Keri’s bot would capture the lead’s contact info, completing the lead generation process.

The Tars Effect

Keri’s lead quality jumped.

Since they were more aware about the services being offered when their info was captured, leads were quicker and more likely to convert. This has significantly reduced the cumbersome email interactions which once plagued Keri’s everyday operations.

Where prospects had once taken days to convert, they would happen almost instantly.


Lead quality can make or break a business. It is the difference between running an efficient profitable operation and sending hundreds of pointless emails.

An effective way to increase lead quality is conversation.

By engaging in conversations, businesses can more effectively inform prospects before capturing their lead info. This in turn leads to a higher quality lead that takes less resources to convert. The end result? More revenue, less time wasted and a more efficient business.

If you are interested in improving your lead conversion process like Keri did, reach out to us over here and get a free consultation with one of our bot experts today.

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Arnav Patel
Arnav Patel

Arnav is the Director of Content Marketing at Tars. He spends most days building bots, writing about conversational design and scrolling through Giphy’s trending section looking for the gifs that go into the Tars Newsletter.


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